
April 24, 2024

The project, which was developed with the participation of Alte University, won the CIF grant competition

In collaboration with Alte University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Iacob Gogebashvili Telavi State University secured victory in the Competitive Innovation Grant Competition (CIF), administered by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth Affairs of Georgia in partnership with the World Bank.


Under the CIF grant competition, funding was allocated to the project "Integration of Innovative Agro-Technologies into Educational Programs." Its objective is to leverage the technological expertise of the Swedish University to enhance agricultural education in Georgia and implement cutting-edge agro-technological knowledge.


The project entails augmenting the computer science curriculum at Alte University with elective courses, namely:

• Drone Management
• Bioinformatics
• Applied Agro-Technologies and Smart Biodata Systems


Moreover, Telavi University will integrate an agro-technological module comprising six courses into its programs:

• Agricultural Management Utilizing Drones
• Agricultural Bioinformatics
• Applied Agro-Technologies for Viticulture and Oenology
• Smart Systems in Oenology and Viticulture
• Geoinformation Systems in Agriculture
• Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture


These courses will serve as a foundation for future offerings at the undergraduate and vocational education levels. Additionally, certificate programs for continuing education will be established.


The Georgian Farmers' Association and Schuchmann Wines are project partners.


The transfer of European pedagogical practices in agro-technological instruction is crucial for advancing Georgia's agricultural and technological sectors.

Information Technology
