Electronic catalog of the library - Link
- Proquest - The library includes diverse spectrum of studies: psychology, medicine and social sciences, Computer science atc. It also offers access to wide range of popular academic subjects and contains more than 5,000 academic journal titles, specific publications (Entertainment Weekly, The Hollywood Reporter, Variety) and diversified list of newspapers โ full texts among them.
- The Open edition Journals - database includes more than 160 journals published by university publishers and small academic publishers in the humanities and social sciences. 80% of the magazines in the database are in French. However, it also includes English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese materials.
- Doaj.org - is an open-access database that includes periodicals in the Social, Humanitarian, Political, Technical, and Legal fields.
- www.opendoar.org - The Open Access Database integrates the list of open repositories in the world. With this database, you can search for open-access online repositories, browse the list of open repositories, and their statistics, and select the material you want.
- roar.eprints.org - is an open-access scientific product search database where you can look for a resource, publication, book, data, databases, and so on.
- scopus.com - A database that combines bibliographic data, abstracts and citation indicators from 1995 to the present day. It includes 21,000 titles of scientific journals from more than 5,000 publishers, totaling more than 50 million records.
- sciencedirect.com - The world's authoritative scientific electronic database, which includes 2,000 journal titles, with a total of more than two million full-text articles. ScienceDirect is mainly focused on the exact and natural sciences, with a relatively small number of social and humanitarian directions.
- Funding Institutional - follow and register at the link below.
- Cambridge University Core - Includes Humanities and Social Sciences: Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Politics, Law, Management, Sociology, Psychology, Art, Mass Media, and Communication.
- e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection - This includes areas: Art History, Cultural Studies, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Gender, International, Regional, and Religious research, and Theory of Sociology.
- Edward Elgar Publishing Journals - there are presented Magazines about humanitarian and economic fields. Books on public and Social Governance, Corporate Governance, Migration, Infrastructure Development, intellectual property research.
- European Respiratory Journal - The Direction of Clinical and Experimental Medicine: - there are Articles about Biological, Epidemiological, Immunological, Oncological, etc. directions. At this point, the journal impact factor is 12,339.
- IMechE Journals - Presented by the publishing house on the SAGE platform. The main focus of the journals is mechanical engineering. Engineering journals in various fields.
- Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journals - It includes 17 peer-reviewed journals in mathematics and related disciplines, majoring in Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering.
- Open Book Publishers E-books - there are presented French-language journals in the humanities and social sciences direction. It also has an English language interface. A small number of articles are published in parallel in English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.
- Royal Society Journals Collection - The database is presented: Biological Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, and their related disciplines.
- SAGE Journals - Scientific articles from the Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and Medicine are presented.