External Quality Assurance
Evaluations carried out within the framework of external quality assurance mechanisms (authorization, accreditation, external peer review) confirm that the university meets national and international academic quality, governance, student support and resource standards.
Alte University was granted re-authorization on December 16, 2024, for a period of 6 years, and the educational programs operating within the university (except for the English-language educational program in dentistry, which is authorized) are accredited.
Authorization, based on the mission of higher education institutions, establishes the institution's compliance with the following standards:
- Mission and Strategic Development of the HEI;
- Organizational Structure and Management of the HEI;
- Educational Programs;
- Staff of the HEI;
- Students and their Support Services;
- Research, Development or/and Other Creative Activities;
- Material, Information and Financial Resources;
- The detailed descriptions of the Authorization Standards are given in the 3rd Annex of the Authorization Charter.
Authorization Standards for Higher Education Institutions
Program accreditation, based on the specifics of the field of study of higher education programs, establishes the program's compliance with the following standards:
- The purpose of the educational program, learning outcomes and the program's compliance with them;
- Teaching methodology and organization, adequacy of program evaluation;
- Student achievements, individual work with them;
- Providing teaching resources;
- Opportunities for developing teaching quality;
Accreditation Standards for Higher Education Programmes
External peer review
An established practice at the university is the evaluation of educational programs and institutions by external (Georgian and foreign) experts. This practice ensures an objective evaluation of educational programs, university activities and resources and their sustainable development based on local and international standards and best practices.